All METIS software is designed and developed by our in-house R&D department. Thanks to our proprietary file format (called “MDC”) and a dedicated suite of applications, METIS can provide our customers a complete solution to meet any needs without resorting to software from a third party.

Written in 64bit and optimized for Windows PRO 10, all METIS software is capable of handling many gigabytes of image data in just a few seconds. It is also user-friendly and has features that won’t be found in any other software.

Through continuous investment in R&D, METIS provides the best solutions that the decor industry and cultural heritage markets need for today and the future.


METIS Scan Director is a new concept of acquisition software completely designed and written by METIS based on the tremendous experience accumulated in this domain.

METIS Scan Director is aimed to respond to specific needs as:

Making the software very user-friendly, allowing even a novice user to master professional scanning techniques.

This required balancing the need for a high degree of customization (typical of a professional tool) with highly automatized features. For example, the user does not need to adjust the exposure, color or greybalance of the image once set because they are automatically maintained, no matter what light schematic or scanner settings are being used or how many days have passed since the scanner was calibrated.

Therefore, the user instead of wasting time trying to understand “how” to get the desired result can concentrate on “choosing” the preferred one within the many available options (or within the different customizable light configurations).

Handling the new scanning concepts. In the latest years METIS has introduced unique scanning features as the patented dynamic lighting system, SuperScan, Highlights&Shadows (photographic extraction of light and shadow information, which can also be mixed with color information to increase the already captured 3D appearance), and lately also 3D Depth MAP generation and Glossiness MAP (for using e.g. in decor and industrial applications). These important features have radically changed the way of scanning an original (especially for Industrial and Decor applications).

Being ready for the future. METIS Scan Director supports the latest OS (W10) with a full 64bit architecture and fully exploits the latest Intel CPU by making extensive use of multitasking and multithreading processing. Therefore, the new METIS Scan Director is capable of completing the most demanding image processing tasks almost in real time being able of handling GigaBytes of data in a matter of seconds.

The Scan Director Software also works in harmony with the following software from METIS:

  • METIS Light Inspector (to edit SuperScan files and customize visual appearance, 3D, glossiness and much more)
  • METIS Color Profiler (for handling ICC profiles and color management of the scanner)



Thanks to the METIS DC SynchroLight patented lighting technology, all METIS DRS-DCS scanners have the unique ability to make a SuperScan. A SuperScan is a special acquisition mode in which the scanner automatically repeats several acquisitions of the original with different lighting settings.

Therefore, from a SuperScan file information related to the incidence of the light over the original can be calculated (an image which contains highlight and shadows variations).

Furthermore, 3D information (a 3D Depth MAP image) can also be calculated from the SuperScan file using our METIS Photometric Stereo technique.

SuperScan images are saved into the METIS “.MDC” proprietary file format and can be processed with the METIS Light Inspector Tool that is directly integrated into the scanner software and is also available as a standalone package.

METIS Light Inspector software allows re-mixing different light directions and intensity without having to rescan the original; this is done by changing the light direction and intensity parameters in the Light Inspector software and the result is previewed in real time on the screen (thousands of different combinations are possible). This is a very useful feature because it allows finding optimal results very quickly and without having to rescan the original several times with different light schematics. Once an optimal result has been found, the user can export it into a standard TIFF format directly from the Light Inspector.

The user can record different “light schematics” and export different versions of the same image at once (in TIFF format).

METIS Light Inspector software also integrates other unique features as:

  • the ability to remove the specular reflections over glossy originals;
  • the ability to calculate a 3D Depth MAP of the original;
  • the 3D Depth MAP can also be flattened in order to optimize the file for 3D printing/engraving purposes.

The 3D Depth MAP can be evaluated in real-time thanks to the integration of a realistic 3D simulation and preview tool. The main application for 3D Depth MAP is for embossing/engraving/printing purposes. Furthermore, the Light Inspector is also capable of extrapolating a Glossiness MAP from the scanned original.


Color Accuracy - Metis Systems srl

METIS Color Profiler has been designed in order to provide METIS scanners with outstanding color fidelity and accuracy and to avoid the need for complicated calibration procedures usually required to obtain and maintain color consistency in the scanning workflow. METIS Color Profiler supports different types of color target and is capable of automatically detect them. The main features are:

  • Creation of ICC scanner profiles using different type of color target (a specific one, providing the best results, is included with each METIS scanner)
  • Import/Edit/Read of reference file related to the color target to be used (X-Rite i1 and ColorMunki spectrophotometer are directly supported within METIS software)
  • Customization and editing of scanner ICC profile
  • Optional ICC profile conversion from scanner profile to a user selected Color Space (e.g. sRGB. Adobe 1998, ECI RGB, etc.)
  • Display ICC profile selection (to properly view colors within METIS software and according to the used display)
  • Possibility to add Spot Colors to the scanner ICC profile and manually correct them
  • Color Accuracy control tool allows to measure the scanner color accuracy over different type of color target, calculating the maximum and average DeltaE and check many other qualitative indicators. This is especially useful in Cultural Heritage applications were compliancy with a specific guideline as FADGI, METAMORFOZE or ISO 19264-1 is required.