Color Accuracy is a very challenging point for any kind or reproduction workflow and it’s something we have been working on for a long time here in METIS, improving day after day, until we almost reached the limit of what can be achieved within current RGB and color profiling technology.
Color Accuracy
Today, getting high color consistency is not only possible but also comes with relatively few surprises in our DRS-DCS, PM3D or SURF 3D scanners.
In cultural heritage applications, METIS DRS-DCS and PM3D color accuracy can be easily set to comply with the highest requirements of Metamorfoze and FADGI quality digitization guidelines.
In order to achieve high color fidelity into our scanners we:
- used best available imaging sensor and surrounded it with our state-of-the-art camera electronics;
- designed a sophisticated LED lighting system with very high CRI (Color Rendering Index) and providing controlled and stable light emission (over time and in different lighting scenario);
- designed a powerful Color Management software and workflow tailored around our scanner/camera.

METIS Color Profiler software is now directly integrated into METIS Scan Director scanning software allowing to check and validate color accuracy at any moment.